Workday Glossary

Cloud ComputingCentralized computing, hosted off-site from an organization's physical location. The cloud accommodates large and growing amounts of data, and is flexible and less expensive over time because multiple clients share the same expensive hardware. Workday "lives in the cloud," and once the software goes live at NSHE and our member institutions, Workday will handle all upgrades, hardware and maintenance we now do. Having our implementation in the cloud also will provide employees with secure access to personal information and data anywhere - including from smart phones, home computers and tablets. Workday undergoes several security audits each year, has a number of security certifications, and as of this date, has not been subjected to a data breach.miscellaneous
CrosswalksFiles and programs that ensure that our legacy data maps or links correctly to the corresponding values in our new Workday configuration.miscellaneous
Human Capital Management (HCM)Workday's HCM application unifies Human Resources, Benefits, Talent Management, Recruiting, Payroll, and Time Tracking into one system-of-record. These practices provide specific competencies and are implemented in three categories: workforce acquisition, workforce management and workforce optimization.HCM
Business Process A sequence of one or more tasks that accomplishes a desired business objective (i.e., hiring an employee, paying an invoice). Cross Application
Delegation (business process)The ability of an employee to assign steps of a business process to another person to complete on their behalf; for example, managers may delegate certain tasks to their administrative assistants. Delegation may be temporary and not all steps may be delegated. Requesting a delegation change is a business process that may require approvals and may or may not be included in your organization's configuration.
Cross Application
Employee Self Service (ESS)Functionality within Workday that allows employees to access and manage their personal HR, benefits and payroll records. Cross Application
Functional AreaGrouping of tasks, reports, and objects. (e.g., the HCM solution includes functional areas such as Benefits, Talent & Performance, Absence and Manager/Employee self-service). Each of Workday's solutions (like HCM and Financials) is grouped into distinct functional areas.
Cross Application
RolesA group of people with specific responsibilities and permissions. When a business process runs, the role for each step includes all of the workers in that role in the business process target organization.
Cross Application
Security GroupA collection of users, or a collection of objects that are related to users. Allowing a security group access to a securable item in a security policy grants access to the users associated with the security group.
Cross Application
TenantWorkday's term for what is commonly known as Quality Assurance or production environments. The "tenant" is where we will test our various prototypes, which will be made up of validated data from our institutions, and the Business Processes we've designed to govern it.Cross Application
To-DosReminders to do something outside of the Workday system. They can be part of business processes, and have to be marked complete before the workflow will go to the next step.
Cross Application
WorkletA compact app displayed as an icon on an employee's Workday Home page. Worklets provide easy access to tasks and information employees use on a regular basis. Workday's pre-configured worklets also now include views, actions and analytics, and customizable menus and announcements. Some popular worklets include "Pay," "Personal Information," "Benefits," and "Time Off."
Cross Application
WorktagKeywords assigned to transactions and supporting data to make their business purposes clear and establish common relationships through classification. You can find information easier, filter searches down to focused results, and analyze information in aggregated and summarized reporting by business dimension.
Cross Application
Auto-fillA time entry method that copies time blocks from a worker's schedule, or from a previous week into the current week on the time entry calendar.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Micro-editThe ability to edit existing time blocks or add time blocks directly to a day by double-clicking on the time entry calendar.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Quick AddA time entry method that enables you to create a time block and copy it to multiple days in a week.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Time Entry CalendarA set of self-service pages that you use to enter, edit, and view time.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Time Entry ValidationErrors or warnings that prevent you from entering invalid time. Critical validations prevent you from submitting time. Warnings appear on the time entry calendar, but do not prevent you from submitting time.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Time OffReported time that is not worked. Common types of Time Off include sick leave, jury duty, and vacation.
Time Tracking / Time Entry
Time TypeThe type of time off an employee enters in his or her time entry calendar. Time Type is selected from a list of Time Off Plans available to an employee, such as maternity, annual leave, sick leave, etc.Time Tracking / Time Entry
Additional PaymentAn off-cycle payment made in addition to a worker's scheduled on-cycle payment. You can process additional payments as part of a manual payment or on-demand payment.
Balance PeriodThe period of time, such as current period, month-to-date, quarter-to-quarter, or year-to-date, over which Workday calculates a pay component value.
Compensation ElementSmallest unit of compensation for a worker in a specific position. Workday uses compensation elements to determine the amount, currency, frequency, and other attributes of a worker's compensation.
Ex. Base salary, bonus, benefits, commissions, allowances, etc.
Direct DepositA payment election. You can choose Direct Deposit as a payment type. If this is elected, any payment from the company will go directly to the bank account specified. You can set up your direct deposit to include several accounts, and specify the percentage of payment that you would like to go into each account.
Manual PaymentAn off-cycle calculation that records check or cash payments made outside Workday Payroll.
Off CycleA payment, such as a manual payment or on-demand payment, made outside the regularly scheduled payroll run. Reversals and history payments are also classified as off cycle. Off-cycle manual and on-demand payments enable you to issue additional or replacement payments.
On CycleA scheduled payroll run.
On Demand PaymentAn off-cycle payment that replaces, or is issued in addition to, a worker's on-cycle pay.
Pay ComponentAn earning (such as base salary or bonus) or deduction (such as federal withholding taxes or medical) that applies to a worker's gross-to-net pay calculation or tax liability.
Pay Component GroupA collection or combination of related earnings, deductions, or pay component-related calculations that are combined to simplify payroll calculations.
Ex. Employer-Paid Benefits, Pre-Tax Deductions and Federal Taxable Wages.
Pay GroupA group of workers defined to have their pay calculated and processed together.
Pay Rate TypeType of worker pay; whether that's a paid salary or a certain amount per unit of time.
Ex. Hourly or weekly.
Payment ElectionsDesignates the payment type (check or direct deposit), account information for direct deposits, payment order, and the distribution of balance for split payments. Controlled for each type of pay that you receive, such as regular payments and bonus payments.
PayslipAn online or printed summary of your gross-to-net earnings. Also referred to as a pay stub. Payslips can be found in the Pay worklet.
Period ScheduleWhen and how often to process payroll. Defines payment dates and forward accruals, using a Period Start Date, Period End Date, and Payroll Payment Date.
ProrationCreates sub-periods when there is a change in the worker's compensation mid-period. It can be based on calendar days or days worked (work shift).
Replacement PaymentAn off-cycle payment that replaces a worker's on-cycle payment in a period that is in progress or not yet started.
Subject WagesAll of your wages subject to a particular tax, including wages for exempt positions and those that exceed a wage cap.
Taxable WagesAll of your wages subject to a particular tax, excluding wages for exempt positions and those that exceed a wage cap.
TimesheetsRecord work hours for submission, approval, and eventual payment through payroll, if enabled. (Often this is enabled via the Time Tracking worklet instead of here.)
Withholding ElectionsIncome tax withheld from your salary based on a set of criteria. Includes Federal, State, Local elections, and Tax Allocations. From the Pay worklet, view withholding information on the State Elections tab and to View/Modify your Federal Elections.
Worker EligibilityThe conditions you must meet to be eligible to receive a particular earning or deduction.
Worker Tax ElectionsYour marital status, number of elections, exemption status, and other information required for tax collections.
Accounting BasisMethod of recognizing revenues and expenses. Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when goods are sold and when services are rendered, regardless of the point in time when cash is received. Similarly, expenses are recognized when goods and services are received, and the difference is the net income figure for a particular period. See also "Cash Basis."Financials
Accrual BasisAccounting method where revenue is recognized as goods are sold and services are rendered, regardless of the time when cash is received. See also Accounting Basis and Cash Basis.Financials
Ad Hoc RequisitionRequest a non-standard good not found in the catalog. If you do not know all of the details, the buyer can fill them in later when processing the requisition.
AppropriationAccounting to reflect that an organization has placed a reservation on previously unreserved funds. An appropriation enables an agency or department to (1) make spending commitments, and (2) spend money. Except in the case of entitlements, an appropriation determines how many dollars the Federal Government will spend on the program in a fiscal year. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization, then appropriation. Alternate term: A high-level budget for authorizing organization. See also Authorization.Financials
AuthorizationA provision which obligates funding for a program or agency for one year, a fixed number of years, or an indefinite period. Authorization may be for a specific dollar amount, or for "such sums as may be necessary." The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization, then appropriation. See also Appropriation.Financials
AwardSupport from sponsors, including grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, gifts, etc. Can come from a range of sponsors including governmental, nongovernmental, foundation, corporate and private funders and grantors. See also Grant and Grants Management.Financials
BasisWorkday allows you to select a basis limit to limit the amount of facilities and administration expenses charged to the award. You may apply the limit to an individual award line or to an aggregation of award lines. For example, if you assign the same basis limit of $25,000 to multiple award lines, you can charge facilities and administration on your award on the first $25,000 of each subcontractor's total expenses.Financials
Bottom Up BudgetingBudgets prepared by managers of all departments are combined to compute the resource needs for the entire organization. See also Top Down Budgeting.Financials
Budget BookUsually represents a legal entity, and is the primary entity for recorded business transactions and financial reports. A Workday company equates to a single tax ID within an enterprise. A company is a type of Workday organization.
Budget CheckStep in the business process where the budget balance is reviewed and the transaction can be stopped.Financials
Budgetary ControlDescribes the transaction systems process of executing against established budgets via budget checking. Financials
Cash BasisA type of accounting where revenues are recognized only when money is received, and expenses are recognized only when money is paid.

See also Accounting Basis.
Catalog Of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)A database that helps the Federal Government track all programs it has funded domestically. Federal programs are assigned a number in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA). This number is referred to as the "CFDA number."Financials
CommitmentAccounting that reflects an organization's desire to acquire something or to earmark a budget early in the process to make other internal stakeholders aware of the intention to spend.

Established to set aside funds for an expenditure that has not been externally committed. Alternate term: Pre-Encumbrance. See also Commitment Accounting and Obligation.
Used to recognize future commitments of resources prior to an actual expenditure. Begins with an organizational budget, which is reduced when you make a commitment (sometimes called a pre-encumbrance); for example, when a requisition is approved. The commitment is then liquidated when you make an obligation (sometimes called an encumbrance); for example, when you issue a purchase order. When expenditure occurs, the obligation is liquidated; the balance is the unspent (or available) budget.

Alternate term: Encumbrance accounting

See also Commitment and Obligations.
CompanyThe output of money from an individual or group to pay for an item or services. You can create your own expense reports. You can also create them on behalf of other workers when delegated, or if you have security access to the Create Expense Report for Worker task.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)Official annual report for a non-federal government entity in the United States; for example, a state or county.

In addition to a combined, combining (assembling of data for all funds within a type), and individual balance sheet, the following are also presented as appropriate on a combined, combining, and individual basis:
  • statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance (all funds)
  • statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances, budget and actual (for government fund types)
  • statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in retained earnings (for proprietary funds)
  • statement of changes in financial position (for proprietary funds).
Controlled BudgetIntended to control activities that might cause you to exceed your budget. This implies that a decision to spend will still exist when checking the budget.Financials
Cost SharingCost sharing or matching requirements are common award conditions and refer to the portion of project/program costs not covered by the award, but which are to be paid for by the grantee. Often includes all cash or in-kind contributions the grantee makes to the supported program. Cost sharing requirements may be a set dollar amount, or a percent of the total value of the sponsored activity. Generally, government awards prohibit the use of other government awards as the basis of cost sharing by the grantee.Financials
Direct CostsDirect costs under a federal award are defined in OMB Circular A-21. A direct cost expense must meet four criteria:
  • Allowable - allowable and unallowable costs are defined in A-21 and in the terms and conditions of a specific award
  • Allocable - only expenses which benefit a sponsored activity may be charged to that activity
  • Reasonable - costs must reflect what a 'prudent person' would pay
  • Consistent - costs must be handled consistently and follow the grantee's internal policies and practices
Often required by funding organizations (for example, a governmental grantor or sponsor) to confirm they are correctly billed for and reimburse only those payroll expenses which fall within the scope of their funding agreements.

Since cost sharing is auditable, grantees often establish a default accounting mechanism for employee effort that allocates and expenses staff effort passively. While efficient, this can introduce errors since the default is established prior to actual work being performed. To control for errors, grantors often require a grantee to affirmatively validate effort and payroll expenses through effort certification.
A revenue budget in Education and Government. Tracked closely to allow for timely adjustments. Alternate term: Revenue Projection.Financials
ExpenditureAny outlay of monies for expenses, assets, debt relief etc. Alternate term: Actuals
Alternate meaning: Sometimes confused with expense, which is just one component of an expenditure.
Expense ReportsA year period without regard to the calendar year where a company or government determines their fiscal condition. Fiscal years within Workday are created only within fiscal schedules. Each year within that schedule must share the same posting intervals – what differs is the end date from one year to the next.
Ex. In a 4-4-5 fiscal schedule, the end date of period 1 might be January 23 for fiscal year 2010 and January 25 for fiscal year 2011, but both years share January as period 1.
Facilities and Administration Rate AgreementSponsored research awards can allow for reimbursement of facilities and administration costs. For example, U. S. Government-funded awards often reimburse grantees or contractors for facilities and administration costs. Reimbursement rates for such costs are often detailed in a facilities and administration rate agreement.

Workday enables you to define, manage, and receive payment for your facilities and administration expenses. For example, you can define and apply facilities and administration rate agreements to your awards. When an allowable expense occurs, Workday translates it to an object class and a facilities and administration reimbursement rate table is selected. Additional determinations are made and result in financial accounting. You can create exceptions to any or all parts of a rate agreement.
Facilities and Administration Revenue Allocation ProfileThis tool allows you to define how a facilities and administration reimbursement is distributed between or among units in your organization. This functions similarly to a costing allocation.Financials
Facilities and Administration Waived Expense Allocation ProfileIn Workday, a tool that allows you to manage how waived facilities and administration expenses are shared across organizations or funding sources.

For example, an organization can create a profile which splits waived facilities and administration expenses 10% to the central university and 90% to a center or department.
Facilities and
Indirect or overhead costs (ODC) that are part of your general and usual award operations. These costs often cannot be attributed or isolated to a particular program, project or business unit; for example, the costs could be related to common space such as meeting and conference rooms, or joint services such as janitorial or human resources.Financials
Foundation Data Model (FDM)Process and policy that will allow NSHE and its member institutions to consolidate their financial information within Workday, maintain compliance with accounting rules and laws, and produce detailed financial reports. The FDM includes but is not limited to what today is commonly referred to as the "Chart of Accounts." It also includes data elements - or what Workday calls "worktags" - attached to financial transactions when they're entered or generated.Financials
Fiscal YearThe annual period established for government and education accounting purposes. For example, the federal fiscal year begins October 1 and concludes September 30 of the following year. Some state fiscal years begin July 1 and end the following June 30. Practices vary in higher education where a fiscal year may coincide with an academic year, a calendar year, or a controlling budget year.Financials
Fiscal YearTracks spend for physical objects, which can be expensed, capitalized, or issued to a worker.
Ex. Include office supplies, IT hardware and software, etc. Purchase orders for goods will display information related to a purchase item, including item description, unit of measurement, and unit price.

Fund AccountingAn accounting system emphasizing accountability rather than profitability; often used by nonprofit organizations and by state and local governments.

For these and similar organizations, it is more important to keep a record of how money was spent, rather than how it was earned. Accounting records take the form of a collection of funds, each of which has a distinct purpose, ranging from operational expenses to funding the various activities of the organization.
Fund(s)An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. Funds are classified into three groups for reporting and treatment:
1) Non-proprietary or governmental fund types include capital projects, debt service, general fund, and special revenue funds.

2) Proprietary fund types include enterprise (business-like) and internal service funds.

3) Fiduciary fund types include agency, endowment, investment trust, and pension trust funds.

A fund classifies its assets based on the restricted use or behavior of those assets. These classifications include:
  • Restricted
  • Unrestricted
  • Temporarily restricted

    Alternate meaning: Funds - as in source of funds or a stash of money.
  • Financials
    Funding SourcesMethod by which a program, project or other activity is paid. Commonly used in grants accounting, since grants are often funded by multiple sources.Financials
    GoodsThe act of gaining goods or services from an external source. Procure-to-pay functionality within Workday includes: Spend for goods, services, contingent workers, and project-based services. Manage supplier contracts, requisitions, purchase and change orders, receipts, goods and services sourcing, and request for quotes. Maintain purchase items, catalogs, supplier links, and a supplier portal. Configure requisition access to spend categories, catalogs, and supplier links. Track and analyze time, activity, and spend. Create receipt accruals for approved, un-invoiced receipts.
    Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)Organization that formulates accounting standards for governmental units. GASB is under the auspices of the Financial Accounting Foundation and replaced the National Council on Government Accounting.

    The GASB maintains the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for state and local governments. The mission of GASB is to establish and improve standards of state and local governmental accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports, and which will guide and educate the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of those financial reports.

    The equivalent organization in the private sector is FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board). FASB maintains GAAP for the private sector.
    GrantThe primary cost organization for accounting in Grants Management. Used as a worktag in Workday.

    The grant captures the basic information needed to process grant activities including information used to manage and report on the grant. A grant may be linked to one and only one award. You may define grant hierarchies as a way to group grants together and, as with other hierarchies in Workday, roles can default from the parent grant to the child grant. Finally, use of the grant supports related worktags.

    The grant is also used to detail information regarding roles and responsibilities. For example, you can identify and assign roles for your principal investigators or researchers, grant managers and financial staff. This allows you to define security, execute auto-routing, and individualize reporting.

    See also Award and Grants Management.
    In Workday, a full lifecycle contract management application built on a cost accounting and billing engine. It provides you with the grant management tools to process your award business, along with non-programmatic activities after a grant is awarded.

    See also Award and Grant.
    Institutional BaseThe annual compensation paid by an organization for an employee's appointment, whether that individual's time is spent on research, teaching, patient care, or other activities. Base salary excludes any income that an individual isFinancials
    Review Board
    An administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of the organization with which it is affiliated. An Institutional Review Board has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction.Financials
    Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)The core postsecondary education data collection program for the National Center for Education Statistics, which is part of the United States Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES).Financials
    Letter Of CreditA payment method that authorizes award recipients to request an electronic drawdown or an advance of funds approved by the sponsor for anticipated award cash needs.Financials
    Modified Accrual
    Basis Accounting
    An accounting method commonly used by government agencies that combines accrual basis accounting with cash basis accounting.

    Recognizes revenues when they become available and measurable and, with a few exceptions, recognizes expenditures when liabilities are incurred.

    Divides available funds into separate entities within the organization to ensure that the money is spent as intended.

    See also Accounting Basis.
    National Science Foundation (NSF) CodeYou can classify each award by a federal sponsor with a National Science Foundation (NSF) code, a numeric code that indicates an NSF award's field of research activity. Can be used to report annually on federally funded research volume (expenses) by NSF code category.Financials
    ObligationAccounting to reflect that an organization has obligated itself to spend funds on something for which it has yet to receive consideration, or earmarking.

    Alternate term: Encumbrance

    Alternate meaning: Earmark a budget to prevent use by other activities. External parties rely on funding. See also "Commitment" and "Commitment Accounting."
    Performance Base
    Uses statements of missions, goals, and objectives to explain why money is spent. A way to allocate resources to achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured results.Financials
    Planning And
    An annual process to create a budget to execute against.Financials
    Position BudgetAn annual budget for planned compensation for a position. Spend and projected spend for the position can be tracked against the budget.Financials
    Position Budget
    Validates that funds are available when opening a new position.Financials
    The process of calculating and generating a financial budget for newly added positions or headcount. Could be mid-year or as part of Planning and Budgeting process.Financials
    Investigator (PI)
    A common point person for an award recipient. A faculty member or academic is often the principal investigator at a university or college. The PI is responsible for the direction and success of any research, scholarship, education or training supported by the award. The PI is also responsible for ensuring the funded program is carried out in compliance with university policy, governing laws and regulations, and sponsor requirements.Financials
    ProcurementTracks spending for a project or task-oriented endeavor.

    Ex. of project-based services include:
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Landscaping Project

    Purchase orders for deliverable project-based services will display information related to a project including tasks and phases.
  • Financials
    Project-Based ServicesA way to organize goods and services not associated with a supplier or supplier contract. Purchase items can be grouped to facilitate searching, item selection, and reporting. An item might belong to more than one purchase item group.
    Ex. A laptop could belong to both the 'office supplies' and the 'laptops and desktops' purchase item groups.
    You can either assign purchase items to item groups, or assign a group to an item when creating the item.
    Purchase Item GroupsGoods and services that are not associated with a supplier or supplier contract. Create or edit each purchase item. They differ from supplier catalog items.
    Purchase ItemsCommercial document and official offer from the buyer to seller. In Workday, you create or edit purchase orders before issuing them to suppliers. Purchase orders based on requisitions can be automatically created.
    Purchase OrderRequest to purchase goods, services, and contingent labor. To request contingent worker services, use job requisitions.
    RequisitionA collection of goods and services that make the requisition process simpler, faster, and more manageable. Can also control access to private, shared, and public templates.Financials
    Requisition TemplatesAny item you want to track, from company vehicles to software licenses and access cards. For capital resources, you can capture the acquisition cost and record depreciation based on the depletion schedule attributes. You can also track resource custodianship.
    ResourceA catalog of available goods, as well as supplier catalog items. Organization's catalogs will vary.
    SalaryPermitted to earn outside of duties for the applicant/grantee organization.Financials
    Search Catalog Services procurement track spending for services that are cost-based and not based on quantity.

    Ex. include:
  • Maintenance
  • Warranty services
  • Financials
    ServicesA budget of expenditures you plan to make for a future purpose. Your organization may require you to obtain pre-approval for anticipated expenditures before entering actual expenses in Workday. Spend authorizations act as a cost control or expense policy compliance tool. The process of creating a spend authorization is initiated by the worker, not the manager. Managers take actions on spend authorizations after they are submitted for approval.
    Spend AuthorizationA budget of expenditures planned to be made for a future purpose. Your institution may require you to obtain pre-approval for anticipated expenditures before entering actual expenses in Workday. Spend authorizations act as a cost control. The process of creating a spend authorization is initiated by a worker. The manager takes actions on spend authorizations after they are submitted for approval.
    Spend CategoriesA way to organize suppliers of different goods and services into one or many groups that you find useful. Groups are a way to categorize suppliers for reporting and selection. They are also available for use in account posting rules, but not recommended as they are not required, and each supplier can have multiple groups.
    SponsorAn organization (e.g., governmental, nongovernmental, foundation, corporate and private funders and grantors) providing funding for an award. Alternate terms: Grantor or Funder.

    See also Award, Grant and Grants Management.
    Statement of
    Work (SOW)
    Detailed description of the work to be performed under the award/contract.Financials
    Sub-awardLegal instrument by which an award recipient provides funds (or property in lieu of funds) to an eligible sub- recipient (or a lower-tier transaction) to perform a substantive portion of the grant-supported program or project. Can include such financial assistance when provided by any legal agreement (even if the agreement is called a contract), but does not include any form of assistance that is excluded from the definition of grant, including the recipient's procurement of property or services needed to carry out the project or program. The term includes consortium agreements.Financials
    Supplier GroupsA proposal made out to the source of goods and/or services that are requested. There is a supplier request business process available to those who have authorization. Once given, as the initiator, you are required to fill minimal information about the suppliers you wish to add, such as name and contact information.
    Supplier RequestA business entity from whom you purchase goods or services.
    Top Down
    The process of creating budgets starting from the highest level and working toward the bottom. See also Bottom Up Budgeting.Financials
    VoucherA document that acknowledges a liability or provides authorization to pay a debt. Used to denote an approved Accounts Payable invoice.Financials
    WarrantA document issued by a government entity that represents an obligation to pay, as to employees for payroll or to suppliers for goods or services rendered.Financials
    Wet SignatureA hardcopy signature when someone actually signs their name to a document indicating their intent to agree or to approve the contents of a document.
    Cross Application
    AbsenceWorkday's term for longer-term leave, such as FMLA or short-term-disability.HCM
    Benefit EventAn event that gives you the opportunity to change your benefit elections. These include staffing changes (such as getting hired or promoted) and life events (such as getting married or having a child.)
    Business Process A business process in Workday are tasks that you can initiate, act upon, and complete in order to accomplish a desired business objective. Business processes are created using a combination of Actions, Approvals, Approval Chains, To Dos, and/or Checklists. An Action can be a single task or sub process, which is also a combination of Actions, To Dos, and/or Checklists. Within the process, conditions can be defined which will identify whether a step will be initiated. Notifications can also be created to let a Workday user know that a step has begun, completed, or that a particular review response was selected.
    Ex. Business Process includes Hire, Change Job, Request Compensation Change, Terminate Employee etc.
    Compensation PackageA grouping of compensation guidelines (compensation grades, grade profiles) and plans that can be assigned to a set of workers. Compensation Packages provide a quick view of the eligible plans for a particular job or group of employees. HCM
    Contingent WorkerA worker who is not an employee. You can use contingent worker types, such as contractor or consultant, to categorize and track contingent workers in your organization.
    Cost CenterOrganization type used to track the financial impact of HR transactions (e.g., new hires terminations).HCM
    Employee TypeDesignation assigned to employees when they are hired (e.g., staff, student, faculty).HCM
    EventA transaction that occurs within your organization, such as hiring or retiring an employee.HCM
    Full Time Equivalent (FTE) %The ratio of a worker's scheduled weekly hours to the weekly hours for the business site. If a worker works 20 hours a week and the business site weekly hours are 40, then the worker's FTE% is 50%.
    Functional AreaA functional area is a group of tasks, reports, and objects.
    Ex. The HCM solution includes functional areas such as Benefits, Talent & Performance, Absence and Manager/Employee self-service. Each of Workday's solutions (like HCM and Financials) is grouped into distinct functional areas.
    HeadcountThe number of workers in an organization.
    I-9An employment eligibility verification. A document all workers must complete to verify the identity and employment authorization of each employee.
    Job CatalogCollection of user-defined job family groups available for use in hiring and other staffing transactions.HCM
    Job Classification (Group)Means by which jobs classifications are grouped and maintained.HCM
    Job CategoryDesignation attached to a job profile that allows the tracking of additional job information.HCM
    Job FamilyBroad grouping of jobs that perform similar functions. For example, the Information Technology job family holds job profiles related to jobs that perform IT-related tasks.HCM
    Job Level (Hierarchy)A means to categorize Job Profiles and their associated jobs and positions based on factors upon which compensation can be calculated, such as education, experience, or training. Job Profiles are assigned Job Levels , and those Job Levels are organized into a Hierarchy .HCM
    Job Management Staffing ModelOne of two staffing models in Workday. (The other is "Position Management.") Within NSHE and its institutions, the Job Management staffing model applies to student workers and adjunct instructors. It includes a single set of hiring restrictions per organization and doesn't require a specific limit on the number of jobs that can be filled. HCM
    Job ProfileClassification assigned to positions that exist in Workday. It's similar to legacy job codes, and includes generic features and characteristics of a job/position that uses that profile. It defines features such as pay rate type, federal compliance classifications (EEO, AACP, IPEDS), work shift, and it has the ability to hold information such as qualifications, compensation grade, job description and more. All positions in Workday are required to have a job profile. Job profiles are the most specific element in the job catalog: job profiles make up job families, which make up job family groups. HCM
    Landing PageLanding pages display a collection of worklets, so that a user is able to quickly view data and perform tasks. Some common landing pages are My Workday, My Workday 2.0, All About Me, and My Team. There are other specialized landing pages, such as dashboard landing pages.HCM
    Leave TypeSpecific type of leave of absence, such as jury duty or FMLA. Leave type also can specify employee eligibility rules for requesting leave and validation rules for preventing invalid requests.HCM
    Life EventA benefit event that occurs in the your personal life, such as getting married or having a child.
    OnboardingBusiness process that organizations execute from the point at which a job applicant has accepted an offer of employment to the point at which the new employee is productive at work. NSHE and its member institutions currently refer to this as "hiring" and "orientation." It includes benefit enrollment, provisioning activities (assigning office space, user identification and employer property) and orientation (connecting with colleagues and training).HCM
    Open Enrollment EventA type of enrollment event. This event controls the benefits open enrollment process. Unlike benefit event enrollment, which is triggered by a life event or job change, an open enrollment event applies to an entire employee population.
    Org ChartA visual depiction of how an organization is structured. It outlines the roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within an organization.
    Performance Review ProcessA process where an you receive formal feedback on your performance during a given period of time. This process includes a performance evaluation.
    Pre-HireA term used in Staffing to identify individuals (candidates) before employment. Used in Recruiting to identify candidates who are in the Offer or Background Check stage.
    PositionA seat to be filled by an employee. A position must be created or exist before an employee can be hired. The position is created within a Supervisory Organization, given a title and short description and then assigned default attributes such as Employee Type, Job Family and Job Profile that will then transfer over to any employee's job details when they are hired into that position. Vacant positions appear in a Supervisory Organization as unfilled and remain that way until they are either filled or closed.HCM
    Position Management Staffing ModelOne of two staffing models supported by Workday. (The other is "Job Management.") Within NSHE and its institutions, the Job Management staffing model applies to professional positions. It allows for different staffing rules and restrictions for each position in the supervisory organization.HCM
    RoleGroup of people with specific responsibilities and authorizations needed to perform certain tasks and access data and reports.HCM
    Staffing EventAny event that changes your position or job, such as a hire, transfer, or promotion. Staffing events usually trigger an opportunity to edit/modify benefit elections.
    Staffing ModelsDefines how jobs and positions are created and filled in a supervisory organization. Workday supports two kinds of staffing models: job management and position management. HCM
    Supervisory OrganizationGrouping of employees into a management hierarchy required within Workday HCM. It provides structure for how employees are hired and organized. Departments may have multiple supervisory organizations (one per unique manager). All employees must belong to a supervisory organization and each supervisory organization must have a manager. The manager does not belong to the same supervisory organization that they manage, but instead generally belongs to the Supervisory Organization directly superior to the one s/he manages.HCM
    Talent ReviewsA process in Workday that enables you to gather, evaluate, and report on a range of employee talent information such as skills and experience, performance and potential, career interests, and mobility preferences. The configuration of the talent review template, the Talent Review business process, and your security determine which actions employees and managers take during a talent review.
    TeamUsed to track projects across supervisory organizations. Team membership is established by directly assigning each worker or by using membership rules.HCM
    W-4Your withholding allowance certificate. This will inform an employer of how much income tax to withhold from your paycheck.
    WorkerA person who is either an employee hired by a company or a contingent worker contracted by a company.
    Worker ProfileYour continuously updated page which provides a quick view of your experience, skills, education, and projects.
    Actions and View Buttons to commonly grouped tasks and reports. Accessed through worklets.
    Basic Navigation
    Alert MessageSoft warning message that alerts you about system limitations based on configuration. This message enables you to continue your work without resolving the issue.
    Basic Navigation
    FilterA clickable icon used to narrow down data. Clicking this icon will create a row on your report where you filter data to display from one or more columns.Basic Navigation
    Guide Me ButtonAllows you to walk through a business process like Change Job through the Guide Me feature.Basic Navigation
    Related Actions A clickable icon that enables the user to perform additional actions for an object. Possible actions include viewing your current benefit elections, editing your contact information, and requesting time off. Basic Navigation